Monday, May 26, 2014

An air of change.

Four years ago I walked into the Classical Ballet Centre for the first time. I sat on the bench inside the studio and watched a class. The teacher, Ms. Shields, was lecturing on softening the arms so they didn't look like wet laundry being thrown around. I remember being extremely intimidated by her fiery personality and graceful air. It was obvious she had been a ballet dancer, and a fantastic one at that. I knew that I was nowhere near the level of the students in the class, who were a few years younger then me, and that my training before hand had very serious gaps.

After the class, I put on my ballet clothes and she tested my flexibility, range of motion in the hip, and had me do a few jumps. I was sweating bullets because I knew, that she knew, what she was talking about.

Ms. Shields's wit and charm, her warmth, kindness, patience, and sense of humor has helped me though every challenge and obstacle.

This Friday my wonderful ballet teacher Ms. Shields, will be retiring from artistic director of Classical Ballet Centre. I will miss her greatly, but am so excited for her opportunity to do all the things she has talked about doing One Day. That day has come, but I am so grateful for all the years she has spent reminding people to turn out and to pointe their toes. She has changed my life and the lives of countless other students. We will always be indebted to her.

I can think of no better way to say goodbye and to celebrate her new path, than over delicious food and with great company. This Friday at 7:30 we will have a Potluck for her at CBC. To RSVP, please fill out the form here! Thanks, and can't wait to see you there! :)

Ms. Shields at 15. Isn't she fantastic? 

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