Monday, May 4, 2015

Thank You!

Thank you all for your wonderful notes of encouragement! Each one is so sweet and thoughtful, I am truly so thankful to know such caring people!

Because of your support I was able to pay off the last tuition installment! I still have to purchase pointe shoes, tights, leotards, skirts, and other supplies needed for my trip.

I cannot wait to work with Ballet Magnificat's incredible teachers and mentors. Their hearts burn for Christ and long to share his good news.  Here is a link to a video of Ballet Magnificat  preforming Hiding Place in South Africa.

There are only eight weeks left until I leave and I cannot wait to go!

- Josie

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Sleeping Beauty - Senior Performance with CBC - March 22, 2015

Calm before the Storm

Finished with Hair and Makeup for Sleeping Beauty

 Ready for Ballerinas - a comic ballet.

 As the lilac fairy in the Sleeping Beauty. (Picture caught by my dear friend Alexandra.)

 Taking a bow.*



With Christine and Sarah.

With a a sweet fan.

With my wonderful teacher and mentor Ms. Mel.

With my best friend Alexandra.

Lovely roses. 

Thank you to all who came out!

(*Photos by Jairy Hunter Photography)

Monday, March 9, 2015


When I made up my mind at the age of five that I wanted to be a ballerina, there were a few things that I didn't bargain for. One was how difficult it is to dance well, another is the mental challenge, and even more surprising is the emotional side. If you're discouraged, or distracted, joyful, or excited, it shows up in your dancing and effects the way you move. 

Here's a few things I didn't realize I'd become in addition to a dancer.

Seamstress. You never realize how much sewing you'll end up doing. Even with Pointe Shoes costing about $80 a pair, you still must sew on your ribbons and elastics to every shoe. When you're going though a pair every 8 or so hours of use, that's a lot of sewing.

Hair and Makeup Artist. This one is more obvious but it's deceiving. It takes practice to apply stage makeup correctly and the ability to put your hair up for ballet (especially with curly hair) is not easy.

Shoe Cobbler. Well, not really. But a few days ago about two inches of the sole of my pointe shoe detached from the satin (This is NOT supposed to happen and yet, you could poke your finger right through which is VERY bad) leaving me to sew and then glue it back together for rehearsal the next morning. 

Fundraiser.  I have always been self reliant so asking friends and family to help is a challenge for me. When I was asked to attend the Rock School's summer program in 2014, I realized I needed to be creative to be able to pay for tuition, travel, and board. I was humbled and honored that through generous support my financial needs were not just met, but went above and beyond to cover every cost I had that summer.

As my ballet school's spring performance approaches, I am busy practicing my stage makeup and hair, and sewing my pointe shoes. Very soon, it will be summer, and with it brings the need to fundraise yet again. 

Ballet Magnificat is a company that tours domestically and internationally with the mission to spread Christ's love and grace. Every summer they hold a four week long intensive in Jackson, Mississippi, with chapel in the morning and evening and ballet classes all day long. I am excited to say that I have been accepted into this wonderful program and I cannot wait to go! The only catch is I need you to help me get there. Last year with your help, I was able to raise over $5000 dollars to attend the Rock School For Dance Education's Intensive. This year I only need $3000. The first deadline is a thousand dollars due April 1st, a mere 22 days away. 

If you are interested in helping me reach my goal, you may mail a donation to my address or give it to me in person. 

Thank you for your time, and please send your prayers,
Josie Goff

Questions? Want my address? gingerballerina @

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


In fall 2014, I worked away in the studios and was able to take a couple of Master Classes. One was with Joseph Phillips, who won numerous world class ballet titles, danced with American Ballet Theater, and now dances with the State Primorsky Opera Ballet. I also took with Margaret Severin-Hansen who graduated from the School of American Ballet and who dances with Carolina Ballet as a Principal dancer.

On top of that I received the cast list for my ballet school and found out I was to dance the role of the Lilac Fairy in our production of The Sleeping Beauty.

In December, I spent time taking audition photos and trying to decide what my next steps are in the next few months and years.

With January began audition season, I attended auditions for Orlando Ballet School, Charlotte Ballet, Atlanta Ballet, and the School of American Ballet. I was offered spots in the Summer Intensives at Orlando and Atlanta.
Please send prayers as I decide my next steps.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer In Philadelphia Part 2

Trip to NYC!

On the bus

Getting on the Staten Island ferry!

The Statue of Liberty.

Side View of Lincoln Center.

Broadway and George Balanchine Way.

Panorama of Lincoln Center.

As part of our trip we got to see Aladdin on Broadway in the historic New Amsterdam Theater.

Waiting for the show to start!

Times Square!

NYC Skyline

Back to work the next day!

In Pas de Deux class. Photo by the Rock School.

Christmas in July!

Having fun after a long day!

Mirror Selfie before the showcase at the Mann Center.

The Mansion at Cabrini collage.

At the entrance to the Mansion.

With teacher Sebastian Riou, who trained with the Paris Opera Ballet.

In the Variations showcase.

It feels great to be back home!

My five weeks in Philly attending the Rock School for Dance Education were truly amazing! Each teacher brought something to the table and raised the standards of the quality of movement I executed. I am so thankful to all of them for their patience and wisdom apparent in every class they taught.

I am very thankful for all of the wonderful girls in my house. The support and friendship these girls had for me and with each other was a true blessing. I will forever be indebted to them for all the wonderful memories.

To all of my friends and family who supported me and helped me get to Philly this summer, Thank YOU.  I couldn't have done it without any of you.

To my wonderful parents and patient brother, you guys "rock". I don't know of any other families who would be so encouraging or miss me as much wile I was gone.

In front of the Met at Lincoln Center.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Summer in Philadelphia Part 1.

Greetings from Philadelphia! Can't believe its been two fabulous weeks at the Rock! Here are a few pictures from my adventures!

Philly At night.

"The Injured Dancer", Chalk on pavement. 

A trip to the grocery store with my housemates.

The Philly skyline from the 4th floor of the Rock school.

My Canadian Roomie and I before fireworks on the 4th!

Relaxing on the bus.

Time off is spent relaxing in the shade.

Ballerina Hair.

Miss Connecticut dropped by to have lunch and take class at the Rock.

I received some custom Capezio pointe shoes in the mail.

Sunset in Philly.